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5. Product Display

12. Product Size

11. Product Function 关键词 点击添加描述总结 点击添加描述总结

10. Product Superiority Pass+Metal Detector Type Pass Through T ype

8. Widely used in various public places and various places where face access control is required Hospital Office Building Community Hotel School A pplication

4. Product Display TEH - SP 01 - 1215 : ต ู ้ พ ่ น น ้ ํา ย ํา

9. Product Superiority Metal Detector+Face Type Floor - s tanding T ype

1. ★ Face Recognition ★ High - resolution T hermal I maging T emperature C alibration Face Recognition Temperature Measurement Alarm Thermal Imaging System

3. Product Display Metal Detector +Face T ype Model: ACS - FR - HG 09 Facial Recognition T ype Model: ACS - FR - HG 08 B Floor - s tanding T ype Model: ACS - FR - HG 08 B

6. Product Functions ● High T emperature A larm Real - time audible and visual alarm for abnormal temperature, dual authorization for face + temperature measurement, fast passage control ● Web Management Upload the temperature identity information in time, the temperature data can be checked and traceable ● Infrared T emperature M easurement 100 MS temp measurement (within 0.7 m ) , ± 0.3 °C temperature measurement accuracy, suitable for indoor windless environment ● Face Recognition 100 MS accurately recognizes human faces, 20,000 face libraries, can resist non - living attacks such as mobile phones, computer photos, videos, black and white, color photos ● Multi - port Support Support serial port, Wiegand 26 , 34 output input, output content support configuration

7. Software Algorithms - Despise A B C D E 1 : N F ace R ecognition, face database supports 2 W faces, top 1 hit rate is 99.99 % 1 : 1 A uthentication comparison accuracy rate is more than 99 % * Support stranger detection, stranger level configurable ; * Support scenes during face recognition or stranger detection photo save * Support screen display content configuration; * Support identification distance configuration Fast R ecognition S peed: (A) Face tracking and detection takes about 20 ms (B) Face feature extraction takes about 200 ms (C) The time required for living face detection is 0.2 ms; Feature comparison takes 0.5 ms ( 10,000 face database, multiple recognition and average) * Support public network and local area network deployment methods; * Support HTTP, TCP interface connection

2. Are you still using a temperature measuring device without a data platform? Multi - port D ata I nput and O utput 10 / 100 M, USB interface, serial port 232 , Wiegand interface, reset interface, OTG interface, adaptive Ethernet RJ 45 network port . Big D ata S tatistics and T raceability Perform statistical analysis on the body temperature data of the personnel, trace the source of the body temperature data to the personnel with abnormal body temperature, and trace the nodes with abnormal body temperature. Data M atching and S torage Face recognition and temperature measurement results are automatically matched and stored. Platform S upport Face collection and comparison, support data analysis, statistics, classification, and query data functions for face comparison results and temperature monitoring. At present, the market is full of infrared single - point temperature measurement equipment, forehead measurement, wrist measurement, and other methods . Such temperature measurement methods cannot meet the import and output of data . Statistics and analysis of individual measured temperatures . Our Product Our P roducts


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